Homo sapiens

UniProt Data

Accession A0A087WXM9 [ UniProt ]
Description Meiosis-specific kinetochore protein
Species Homo sapiens
Sequence Length373

Enzyme Annotations (0)

    GO Annotations

    Cellular component (2)

    • GO:0000777 Condensed chromosome kinetochore
      A multisubunit complex that is located at the centromeric region of a condensed chromosome and provides an attachment point for the spindle microtubules.
    • GO:0000780 Condensed nuclear chromosome, centromeric region
      The region of a condensed nuclear chromosome that includes the centromere and associated proteins, including the kinetochore. In monocentric chromosomes, this region corresponds to a single area of the chromosome, whereas in holocentric chromosomes, it is evenly distributed along the chromosome.

    Molecular function (1)

    None predicted

    Biological process (5)

    • GO:0007060 Male meiosis chromosome segregation
      The cell cycle process in which genetic material, in the form of chromosomes, is organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets during the meiotic cell cycle in a male.
    • GO:0010789 Meiotic sister chromatid cohesion involved in meiosis I
      The cell cycle process in which sister chromatids of a replicated chromosome are joined along the entire length of the chromosome during meiosis I.
    • GO:0016321 Female meiosis chromosome segregation
      The cell cycle process in which genetic material, in the form of chromosomes, is organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets during the meiotic cell cycle in a female.
    • GO:0045143 Homologous chromosome segregation
      The cell cycle process in which replicated homologous chromosomes are organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two sets during the first division of the meiotic cell cycle. Each replicated chromosome, composed of two sister chromatids, aligns at the cell equator, paired with its homologous partner; this pairing off, referred to as synapsis, permits genetic recombination. One homolog (both sister chromatids) of each morphologic type goes into each of the resulting chromosome sets.
    • GO:0051754 Meiotic sister chromatid cohesion, centromeric
      The cell cycle process in which centromeres of sister chromatids are joined during meiosis.

    Protein Sequence
